Have you ever thought about travelling up to Cape York with a 4×4 tagalong tour? Tracks 4×4 Tagalong can show you Cape York like no other.
Our tour starts in Port Douglas in far North Queensland and we travel, weather permitting, via the Creb track to the Lions Den Hotel where we stay for our first night…great food, cold drinks and a terrific first night by the river on this 4×4 tagalong Cape York tour.
We then head to where Captain Cook repaired the Endeavour, the beautiful Cooktown. Enjoy a free afternoon to roam the sights, maybe drive up Grassy Head for the amazing view, or visit the James Cook Museum. Or why not try your luck and wet a line down on the jetty.
From Cooktown Northern Queensland we roam to a beach camping spot to enjoy a night under the stars. Its then up through Lakefield National Park and a night on our 4×4 tagalong at a remote cattle station before the start of the big ticket item, the Old Telegraph Line!
Crystal clear creeks, water crossings, waterfalls and waterholes…a great way to relax after our action packed days on the dusty track!
Once you have conquered all the challenges of the Old Telegraph Line, we head for the Jardine ferry. This is a North Queensland Icon that sadly, will soon be replaced by a bridge, so head north now to use this old icon before she disappears into history.

We set up camp for the next few nights near the tip of Cape York at Loyalty Beach Campground where you can have a meal at the restaurant and cold drinks at this beautiful beach location. On our first day we’ll make the final trek to the absolute tip of Northern Australia to get that all important photo, see where the Jardines lived, and enjoy a bit of driving on the beach.
The second day is a free day on our 4×4 tagalong. Why not take the ferry to Thursday island and have a look around or organise a fishing charter…the day is yours to enjoy.
Tracks 4×4 Tagalong is lucky to has private access to the only free hold land north of the Jardine river that we can take you to…the drive in is stunning and you’ll have 2km of beach to play on, throw a line in, see the old beach huts or sit back and enjoy the view overlooking the Torres Strait islands…. this place really is a must see.
Sadly all too soon it’s time to head south. We’ll take a run out to Captain Billy Landing, where we will see the ocean retaking the loading ramps from the failed beef cattle industry and then from here we head to Bramwell station. Enjoy live music and a meal here, included in the price of the tour….you’re guaranteed a great night!
As we head further south we look in on some old ghosts and head out to the old town of Maytown. From here it’s an easy run back to Port Douglas to conclude your bucket list 4×4 tagalong Cape York Tour.
We are running this tour in 2021 from the 26th of July to the 9th of August….check out our website for more details!
Call Adam on 0408780072 to ask any questions….you won’t regret joining us for this one.